Which ExoFit gym is right for me?

Sunday 9th April 2023

This is a popular question and unless you are certain of your requirements, it's a question well worth considering before a purchase.

To help you make your decision we've put together some considerations.

Available space
This will be the most influential deciding factor for your choice of outdoor gym. A single pull up and dip bar station will only have a footprint requirement of 2m by 1m, whereas the Total Gym 3 will need a footprint of about 9m by 3m. If space is at a premium then a more compact installation such as the Compact Gym will give you a complete calisthenics body workout, while keeping the footprint down. Don't forget, if you don't see a gym that works for you, tell us your requirements and we'll put something together that does! We will happily work with your drawings too.

Gym users
Calisthenics is for all ages and this can determine the style and size of the installation you choose. Children love monkey bars, rope climbs and lower bars, whereas adults and serious calisthenics athletes will require a variety of training bars such as parallel bars, human flag bars, and a high bar for ring work. Although a firm favourite with children, monkey bars are popular with adults too in their strength and fitness training.

Location location location!
Although it's not always possible, it's best to try and find a relatively private location that is also sheltered from the wind. A sunny spot (if you're lucky enough!) is ideal. The gradient and type of surface is also a consideration. Grass will obviously be a lot easier to work with than patio slabs, for instance. If children are to be the main users, then noise may be a factor that your neighbours might appreciate you giving some consideration to.

Ultimately the type of installation is dictated by the available space, the age and ability of the users, and the type of training you are currently undertaking, or plan to in the future. Budget may also be a factor, but as long as careful consideration is given to the design prior to installation, the gym can be added to at a later date, to include other bars or accessories such as a punch bag mount or dip/human flag bars. If you plan to train using rings, then you may elect to opt for longer posts for ground clearance while ring training. You will find the small step or grab bars useful to reach bars that are set high.