
Wednesday 22nd March 2023

Case study-Lorenzo
Gym installed-MaxiGym
Additions/alterations-4m posts for ring work

Lorenzo has had a basic set up in the past consisting of a single pull up bar mounted to rough sawn posts. He contacted us and explained he was in a position to afford a more comprehensive outdoor calisthenics gym to help him take his training to the next level.

Although he was progressing well with pull ups he wanted a gym that allowed him to train outdoors on the planche, muscle up, levers and special emphasis on ring work. The MaxiGym is perfect and addresses all his requirements perfectly. The extra height of the 4 metre posts will allow full 360 degree ring work.

The square nature of the MaxiGym provides additional support when more aggressive training is taking place, or with multiple users training at once. It isn't essential to have all bars connected, but certainly gives a more rigid feel.

There were no surprises during installation as Lorenzo had taken the time to diligently fill out the installation questionnaire. The gym was installed in 2 days and although he was keen to get going, Lorenzo left the gym for 72 hours post installation to allow the concrete to harden sufficiently. He chose a sheltered site at the back of his property and ensured there was a water and electricity supply for the installation. He even provided panettone to refuel us!

Customer feedback

" I love my new garden gym! I chose the Maxigym and will be adding a punchbag mount next. The whole process was straightforward and the quality of the bars and posts is superb! Years ago I had a single bar and rough sawn posts but they warped and rotted - I can't see that happening to these posts! Ed was very thorough and I'm a very happy man. Recommended!"

Another happy customer!